It’s pointless to argue with someone who prefers the lies.

Robbyn Ackner
3 min readAug 28, 2020

Have you ever tried to convince someone of something and the more you showed them your proof, the more they dug their heels in?

That’s a Trump supporter. It’s pointless to argue with Trump supporters.

They get their facts from sources who tell them lies.

The lies support their thought process, values, morals & they like what the lies do.

They like the lies.

The lies make them feel validated. Finally someone speaks the way they think and they are relieved to know this. They revel in the idea of his giving a voice to all of the things they’ve come to believe & the beliefs and values they have formed. He speaks the words they wish they had the courage to do. They admire him for this. That’s why when he curses, says “bullshit” they cheer.

The liars know all of this & know their supporters have no interest in doing their own research. And they know deep down they completely agree with everything coming out of his mouth.

They’re perfectly happy having someone else tell them how to think.


Because if they have to think, then they might actually start to have that little nagging voice of questions begin to pop in their head.

Then they’d have to consider that the lies are actually killing people & then they’d have to really look within their soul & tell themselves that they are OK with that.

Nothing speaks the truth more to a liar than his lies

Hence, you will never get anywhere arguing because they don’t want to hear your facts.

They don’t want to read your evidence.

They are OK with it all.

They are OK with the lies, they’re OK with the grifting, they’re OK with people dying who didn’t have to die. They’re ok with alternative facts, as disturbed as those alternative facts are. Remember we started with the “Alternative Facts” narrative right in the beginning when Trump couldn’t stand that he didn’t have a large crown, forced Sean Spicer to come out on day one and LIE and then Kellyanne Conway proceeded to introduce us to Alternative Facts. We all said it would not become the norm, but it has.

They’re OK with it all. Their bank account has more money? Their neighborhood is whiter? I don’t know why they’re OK with it, because I sure am not.

Our only choice is to #VoteBidenHarris2020

Joe Biden might not be the perfect candidate for everyone, but he is the perfect candidate right now.

Joe Biden won’t tell 1/2 of America that the other half hates them.

Joe Biden won’t bully journalists because he doesn’t like having to answer for his actions.

Joe Biden won’t idolize people like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Erdowan and he won’t alienate people like Emanuel Macron,, Angela Merkel.

Joe Biden won’t charge the Secret Service $60,000 and up a year to stay in his home to protect him.

Joe Biden won’t blow off the intelligence reports and he will act for the good of the American people, not his ratings.

Joe Biden won’t trash science and instead, he’ll listen to the experts on the environment.

Joe Biden won’t ever wonder first “what’s in it for me?” before deciding what’s best for the United States.

Joe Biden won’t sow hate and fear and division.

Joe Biden won’t praise White Supremacists and call them very fine people.

Joe Biden won’t praise conspiracy theorists and say “Well, I guess they like me”.

And despite what the liars want you to believe, Joe Biden won’t raise your taxes, unless you make over $400,000 a year.

What Joe Biden will do is bring dignity back to the office of the President.

We will once again have someone who our kids can look up to and say “I want to be President some day”.

Do you really want your kids looking up to Trump and aspiring to be like him? Now that the Republican National Convention is over and they have revealed their platform is to support whatever Trump wants, he will get worse. I am predicting he will in the very near future, as he becomes more emboldened, he’s going to really show his ugly side and you should prepare yourself to hear the President of the United States use the word FUCK at the podium.

There’s only one answer … Vote Blue.



Robbyn Ackner

Welcome to my thoughts. I'm unconventional & don’t fit in your box. I see things many don’t. My opinion is mine, you don’t have to agree. Don’t hate me for it.